Set of 4 singing bowls Healingbowl® Plain 4S-210

750 USD

In Nepal


Minimum set

Plain antique

25.8 cm


130 Hz

Plain antique

11.5 cm


449 Hz

Plain antique

14.8 cm


351 Hz

Plain antique

15 cm


266 Hz

Product description

Listen only with headphones.

Healingbowl® Singing Bowl Set. One relatively large universal bowl, which has both a rich sound of a fairly low frequency and good vibration properties, including the rotational technique. This allows it to be used in techniques collectively known as “singing bowl massage.” And three acoustic bowls of small diameter. All of them are selected according to consonance, this is very important.

So you can do a little meditation. And also - apply some elements of the session with singing bowls, if you understand the general principles.

As a gift - Basic course


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